In lieu of St. Patrick's Day, I have created several different math activities that touch on different concepts and skills that we have learned about so far in 2nd grade! It always amazes me how adding some cute looking graphics to students' work can make the learning experience that much more engaging!
I hope you enjoy these fun St. Patrick's Day math themed activities! The activities are geared towards 2nd grade, but may also work for your gifted 1st graders or struggling 3rd graders. The concepts and skills included in this package are a review of skills that students have learned in 2nd grade.
There are St. Patrick's Day themed worksheets, as well as games students can play with a partner, and activities for students to cut and glue their responses.
The activities include:
* Counting by 5's (early skill that needs to be mastered to help with money skills and telling time skills)
*Basic addition facts (Making 10, doubles facts, doubles +1)
*Telling time to the nearest 5 minutes
*Telling time using half past, quarter past, quarter till
* Odd and even double digit numbers
*Adding and subtracting with double digit numbers
* Money activities using change up to $1.00
* Story problems with double digit by double digit numbers and money.
These activities can be great for math centers, for your EARLY FINISHERS, or can be used for your current unit of study!
What math units are you currently working on?
Click on the picture below to purchase these activities!